
The Binary Bizz


Our products offer service providers the scale, serviceability, and openness needed to grow their business. Going beyond the traditional tech services, our solutions help achieve a company’s sustainability goals and objectives.

Web Conferencing Solution
built on BigBlueButton


We customize and deploy web-based video conferencing solution BigBlueButton. It is an open source web conferencing system. The ideology of this product is for users to have a dependency-free and seamless web conferencing experience. The Conference can be started or joined from any device desktop, laptop or, mobile.

BigBlueButton offers real-time sharing of audio, video, presentations, and screen. To engage users, BigBlueButton offers chat (public and private), multi-user whiteboard, shared notes, emojis, polling, and breakout rooms. Everything can be recorded for later playback.

Learning Management Solution
built on Moodle


Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators, and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.

Because it is open-source, Moodle can be customized in any way and tailored to individual needs. Its modular setup and interoperable design allow developers to customize and integrate external resources to achieve specific functionalities. We are an expert in making all of this happen and more.
eKYC Verification
built on
Indian Govt. authorised identities


Identify and verify your clients, employees, agents and other attachment in line with Government provided ID and Address credentials.

Our REST based API KYC application screens and generates the user details by cross verifying it with NSDL data.

2. Driving License
3. Voter ID
4. Passport
5. Electricity Bill

6. Vehicle Registration
7. Gas Connection
8. Water Bill Verification
9. Physical Address Verification
10. Aadhaar Authentication*

character recognition in
images, docs and pdfs.


Our OCR or Optical Character Recognition engine supports Unicode and has the ability to recognize more than 100 languages out of the box. It can be trained to recognize other languages. It is built using Tesseract and TensorFlow which is maintained by Google.

The best thing about this product is you can integrate it with your current product like billing or invoicing application or use it as an optical character reader.

Say Hello.

Thank you for your interest in The Binary Bizz and our products. Please fill out the form below or e-mail us at assistance@binarybizz.com and we will get back to you promptly.